
Sports Coach – Coaching Sessions

The McCarthy Consultancy will build on your existing skills in delivering a coaching session focusing on discipline, expectations, and success. The ability to run a successful session as a sports coach is key because if sessions are delivered well by coaches they can be what separates winners from the rest.

A good planned out session with a clear focus on what is expected of participants and what outcomes are desired is important because it will set the agenda for the session and all involved can see the results afterwards.

Good structures in warm up, skills practice, mental focus, game situations and warm down programmes will be aspects of most sessions with individual development also added where relevant.

As part of our sports coach programme, The McCarthy Consultancy will work with you on your existing sporting philosophy and how this can be developed to get the best out of your team.


What makes a good sports coaching session?

It must have structure and discipline. It has a clear focus on what is expected of the participants and what outcomes are desired. The McCarthy Consultancy will work with you to develop the right philosophy and programme to get the best out of your team.

What is effective sports coaching?

It provides structure, discipline, clarity and consistency for the team, providing the participants of coaching sessions with clear personal and team objectives.

Why is great sports coaching important?

It is important because it gives teams in any code and at any level focus and belief and will get the very best out the team and the individuals within it.